i r n i Q S
When circumstances change, you may want to
be able to have peace of mind that your mortgage
Fixed, variable or both?
In a volatile market, it m ay be a go o d idea to hedge your
bets by spi tting your loan - part fixed rate and part variable
rate, to protect yourself against future interest rate rises. This
approach will also see you benefit from a lower rate should
variable interest rates decrease.
can be adapted to suit Here's how to get the
Make extra repayments
most out of your Suncorp Bank home loan.
ot can change over the life of a nom e loan. Families grow up.
school fees need to be paid for. renovations need to be done,
and som etim es w e sim ply outgrow our home. W hich is w hy
you should consider a hom e loan with the flexioility to change if your
The w ay you m ake repaym ents can be just a s important a s a
low interest rate. Look for a loan that calculates interest daily
and allows you to m ake extra repaym ents without penalty.
All Su n co rp Bank Variable Rate H om e Lo a n s let you m ake
weekly, fortnightly and monthly repaym ents. This could help
you save m oney over the life of the loan.
needs change over time.
Redraw when you need it
W hether you're buying a new home, or you 're looking to switch
lenders, a Su ncorp B a n k H om e Loan Specialist can help you ch oose
a loan with the potential to grow and change with you over time, even
g o with you if you m ove hom es. They’ll be ycur one point of contact,
from application nght through to settlement, and beyond. To get you
started, here's a few things to look for.
W i
While itls a g o o d idea to m ake additional repaym ents w hen
you can. occasionally you need to a cce ss that extra cash.
Look for a loan that allows extra lum p su m repaym ents with
a redraw facility so you can a cce ss your extra repaym ents if
you need to". C h o o se a loan with a redraw facility to give you
peace of m ind in ca se unexpected expenses arise.
Y o u r o w n H o m e
L o a n S p e c i a l i s t
Every' Su n co rp B ank H om e Loan co m e s with your
ow n H om e Loan Specialist. A dedicated person
w ho will take the time to help you find the right loan,
then assist you through every step of the hom e loan
process. Call us. talk to u s in branch or if you prefer,
one of our mobile lenders could com e to you. Plus,
you can a c c e ss your H om e Loan 24 hours a day via
our award-winning Telephone and Internet Banking-*-
Home Loan Specialists
We’ll help you choose
the right home loan
Call 13 11 75
Visit your local
Banking products are issued by U unccrp-M etw ay Ltd A itN 8 6 C IO 331 '2 2 Australian C re d l Licence
num ber 229882. To aoprcved applicants only Fees, charges term s and condcions apply and are
ava table u po n req.iest ^ e a se read ihe relevant rvo djo t Information D ccu m e nl before you m a<e
any decisions regaiolng this product. Contact Su nco rp fur a copy. 'A Deferred Eatab ishm ent Fee
npp lkn
the loan is paid nut w thin ’be tlrsr 4 ,on ", art«- settlemnn- Funs and rnndHm n= apply to
C ashb a ck withdrawal *Su n c c rp B an k h a s been aw arded ‘M o st C om prehensive Phene Banking*
n tfw C A N S T A F C A N N E X A w a rcs 20 0 9 and the 2 0 0 9 8 2 0 0 Am ber Internet Banking A w trd A ny
advice is given without consioerabcn of your oojectwes or financial situation. You sh o jld consider the
appropriateness o ' the advice in rega'd to yaur cw n situation.
It’s worth the switch
u n c o r p
b a n k
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